Frozen Mud

Have you ever walked on frozen mud? I have, yesterday. And I thought how lucky I was to have a frozen shield protecting me from the sticky dirty element underneath. But as I confidently walked, I reminded myself that the mud is going to be there tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that, frozen or not. It then hit me how this path was similar to our walks of life. We often repress our true feelings, issues, anger, opinions entangled with our dreams, goals and aspirations under a frozen layer of a mandated attitude. This is so common among women who are sensitive by nature and selfless by example.

How often do we choose to avoid the “mud” in our lives because it is sticky and it might get messy and ugly and because we don’t have the support we essentially need to help us get out of it and clean it up?

We inevitably resort to ignoring our honest feelings and we go on –reluctantly or not- looking away from the roots of our problems and obstacles and we so well cover it all up with a flowery joyous shielding pretense, making everybody happy. Everybody except ourselves.

Now this does not mean I am sticking my feet in the mud tomorrow. It means I will try to work up the courage and will to face the “mud” and deal with it once and for all. I will let is surface (even if it gets sticky!). I will dignify it, acknowledge it and exercise the choice to address it or not.

To all of you women walking on frozen mud, I commend you for your tenacity and diligence. I bow in front of your uninterrupted smile and drive. Your strength is my inspiration and I –with my shoes sticking in the mud- stand for all of you.


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